Friday, August 20, 2010

How does my girlfriend turn from a true lady into a revolting monster?

My girlfriend is perfectly ladylike during the day and out in public but i am truly bothered at night when she is sleeping she passes wind. It's not even like its a quiet ladylike fart either its loud and disturbing!

I end up physically revolted when this happens and it lowers my opinion of her. How do i talk to her about this without embarrassing her too much?How does my girlfriend turn from a true lady into a revolting monster?
Try not mentioning it to her and slipping some beano at her during dinner. That way you don't have to bring it up and they're ';bea-no'; gas.How does my girlfriend turn from a true lady into a revolting monster?
is she drinking your beer at night either way its time to get rid of this excuse of a woman

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What sort of diet does your girlfriend have? She may be eating foods that are not good for her or these foods are simply not being digested properly. When is the last time that she had a complete medical checkup just to make certain that she is healthy?

When she is sleeping, I imagine whatever foods she has ingested during the day are being digested by her system....which makes me wonder - what time at night does she have dinner and/or snacks? Perhaps if she has a late night snack or eats dinner or supper late, then that might be a reason why she is farting.

I have to admit I am a little surprised at how disconcerting this is for you.

If you want to approach her about this situation, make certain that you are alone and not in earshot of anyone around you and let her know that when she sleeps, she emits gas and you wonder if she is aware of this fact - and if she is not, then explain that you find it a bit uncomfortable when she does it.

Then suggest a doctor check up and take it from there.

Good Luck!
the problem here isn't her and if it is, it's not her fault because she cannot control what she does while she's unconsicous.

you chose to be with her so that means u have to accept ur fate because this situation does not affect her, it affects you so other than trying to get her to stop, you shoud also find ways to get used to it.

I've seen other couples like you, and because they love each other, when one of them farts loudly, the other laughs so maybe u don't love her enough to appreciate it.

that said, u need to say it point blank to her, it's the only way u can know if u shloud stay together, if she takes it as a constructive critism, fne if not, then maybe u should think aabout being with each other.

On the other hand, I suggest u talk to a doctor or therapist to find out why she farts like that and how to solve the problem.

What good is talking to her going to do? ';Hey honey, did you know that you turn into a revolting monster at night when you fart in your sleep? It really lowers my opinion of you.';

Girls fart, they poop and they even burp. *GASP* I know, ALL women are revolting monster because we can't control our bodily functions.

If this honestly revolts you then I suggest that you break up with her. Although I don't know what good that would do because the next girl is going to do the same thing... and she might even be AWAKE when it happens.

Why don't you just sleep on the couch.
okay yea its okay to fart, but in a closed room with shut windows tucked into some blankets it is not okay to let out a long moist fart. that is just wrong no matter what the gender. girls fart of course thye do but she kind of needs to tone down the rudeness. talk to her one on one. make sure no one is around if shes the sensitive type. she cant be too sensitive farting in the bed like that. tell her directly and honestly ';Baby stop fartnig like that in the bed please, or at least aim the other way.'; MAybe she'll be upset but guess what she'll get over it. yall are in a relationship bigger things are going to come up other than farts in the bedroom. so take this as an intimacy building excercise.
If she's sleeping she can't help it! Geesh!

I would just tell her flat out (gently of course) and buy her a box of gas-x.

Start the conversation with ';Honey, you know I love you, right?'; Then compliment her and then tell her nicely that she farts really loudly in the middle of the night and it's disturbing your sleep.
hahah.. this made me laugh.. but i think i do understand what your talking about i think that yes everyone does it but if it bothers you, you do need to talk to her about it. to start you always say something nice. so your conversation can be like this. ........ i love you so much you know that. and you know that your my girl. i love hanging out with you and i love hanging out with my guy friends.. but when i leave hanging out with my friends i don't want to come back to them too. then she'll be like what?.. what are you talking about. then you could be like. okay so guys do weird things cause there guys but i don't think that girls should do it too. i mean like by me and i think that its disgusting. then you could tell her what she does. she will get embarrsed and might cry if she's sensitive but at the end whatever she does i want you to tell her that she is the best and that no matter what she does you'll always like her. and then you can just laugh it off. but don't tell her friends or any of your friends cause that might be embarrising to her and you don't want everyone to hear that. hope i helped. =)
She is just being human. We as human pass gas. It is the nature of how our bodies are made. We use food as fuel and some foods have the propensity to make folk pass more gas than normal. It is the make up of her body. You and I might eat the same kinds of food and not expel any gas. Deal with that fact that she is human. If that is all that trouble you, you are fortunate indeed.
Haha this is funny. I know what you mean. What should she do, try harder not to fart while she's sleeping? lol There's nothing you can do except look past it and love her unconditionally, meaning regardless of natural bodily things. lol still laughing :)
If she don't beat you up, belittle you, make you feel like dirt, humiliate you or control you she is NOT a revolting monster.

She is a lady with an embarrassing problem - there are worse things in life to worry about.
doesnt matter what you look like, if your male or female what you eat, if you change your diet! EVERYONE FARTS!


its just like your gf asking the same question and she thinks 'lower' of you would you like that?

get over it
Either you are having a laugh, in which case, hahaha very funny...

or you are being serious, in which case omg she is HUMAN and you need to grow up %26amp; get over it.

btw, she SH1TS aswell...sorry to break it to you.
seriously men do it all the time at least she don't do it in public and embarrass u like that and when she does this around you she feels comfortable with u and u should be thankful for that
I would just pull her aside (no one near or around you). Tell her that you love her but you would appreciate it if she didn't cut the cheese while you are sleeping. And might I suggest you get a plug in air freshener.
Tell her about it and have her change her diet,do this directly.Also make sure she goes to the washroom before sleep as to reduce her ';ammunition';.
what will you tell her stop farting....? could you do that if she asked you in a lady like manner? i guess not not everybody is perfect but atleast she came close and you should thank god.
she was sleeping... i would give her a break.

and i think if you bring it up, you will embarrass her.

just let it be or if you really can't handle it, break up with her?
Everybody farts, some louder than others. Advise her that she does this - if she is a lady, she'll be mortified.
its a natural bodily function, and if shes asleep theres nothing she can do about it, im sure its not on purpose!

men burp and fart aswell but we still put up with you.
That's gross, maybe she should change her diet. Find out if she's overindulging in something.
tell her that when your sleeping shes more of a man than you are sometimes..
every body farts. there is no such thing as ';lady farts'; it's farts. especially when you're asleep. who can control that?
It's normal bodily functions. But I guess if that's a deal-breaker you could nicely tell her so.
haha legendary question,

sorry can't help you much there. a girl will be offended by that no matter how you say it

just thought i'd reply to say good luck man
Maybe she's lactose intolerant? Her diet probably is making her gassy. It happens to all of us.
a tleast she doesnt do it in public.

just think how embassed she would be if you told her?

every girl has to break wind at some point if that lowers ur opinion of her then ur a jerk sorry x
Light one up - that will stop her !
s h i t happens
hey guess what,

girls go poop too!!

your so shallow.

its just a fart.
woman 4 u lad ;-)

How come my girlfriend is doing these weird things during our intimate moments ?

I don't know why my girlfriend has been doing this for several weeks, we've been together for about 2 years now and she hasn't done anything like this. I'm not complaining but it just feels weird when she and i get intimate and when she decides to give me oral sex she starts making crying sounds like babies and when she starts she starts making giggling sounds. How come she is doing these things when we get intimate ?? Is there something with her ??How come my girlfriend is doing these weird things during our intimate moments ?
Sounds like she's just trying to have fun. A little strange, but at least she's enjoying it, and your getting oral sex, so don't knock it.

How to go about telling parents my girlfriend is pregnant?

Me and my girlfriend are both 19. We live together and have been with each other for 4 years. My girlfriend doesn't work, but I do work full time and so we have stable finances. We both feel we're ready for children and have found out that she's pregnant.

I've always been close to my Mum and I think she'll understand. I'm more concerned about my girlfriend's parents knowing.

How did you do this and what age were you?

Any tips?How to go about telling parents my girlfriend is pregnant?
I was married and 17 when i had my first child and 19 with my second we both set down with our parents and told them. His parents were excited mine were not. I didn't work and he did. If they get upset they will eventually get over. My parents have been wonderful since I was 3 months pregnant with number one. Both of you should sit down with your parents and you should do the talking. Then with her parents she should do the talking. That's my opinionHow to go about telling parents my girlfriend is pregnant?
just say mom and dad my girl having my kid so plz help uz

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Even if you planned the baby or not go with your girlfriend to her parents house, this will show that you truly love each other. Have her tell her parents that there is no way to change what happened. tell them that you are financially ready to have a baby. just sit down and talk about what happened

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I was 18 when I found out I was pregnant and so was my boyfriend.

I tried to keep it a secret from my parents as long as possible, but after a few weeks I realized I should tell them. I ended up having an abortion, my parents had a lot of influence on my decision. I know that yall are probably not considering abortion, but if your girlfriends parents don't take it well, then they may feel like pushing abortion onto her. Or they may not even believe in that, just make sure that you and her are the only ones that decide what you should do, and no one else!

I'm just letting you know that the longer you leave it, the worse off you'll be. You need to make sure that they find out asap. I also think that your girlfriend should start working while she's able to, because when she's further along it won't be easy to work. And if she wants to have this baby then she needs to start working, it's not fair to have you working by yourself.

Wait a minute. You are both adults. You are independent and supporting yourselves. Why are you worried about telling your parents?

Is it because you are not married? Then simply explain to them why you wouldn't be ready to make a commitment of marriage, but you are ready to create a life together which will tie you together even more strongly than a marriage would.

It's your business.
the best thing to do is not put it off have them all over for dinner don't just call and tell them. the both of you need to tell them in person that is always best. set them down together and tell them that you and your girlfriend are going to have a baby and let them know that you have plans for the future if they know that you have thought it through they should be more comfortable with it.
Really no easy way to do it, the good thing is though your both of age and out of the house. So its pretty much your decision, to be honest. Most parents are mad at first and that is because its hard to see your kids get older, however when the baby is born, I bet they will be fighting over spending time with the grandchild.
Just Tell Them because if you continue to hold back and they find out on there own its going to be a very uncomfortable feeling because you wasnt str8 forward with them.As long as you have a job and you are showing your parents and her parents you are a MAN and are willing to step up to the plate there shouldnt be a issue.Dont get me wrong initially the parents might not agree but dont do anything to make them lose confidence in your abilities...Good luck and trust me once your parents see that beautfiul child and hold that child that will release any doubts or issues... 100% GUARANTEED
The parents will be fine. Just tell them. You guys are already living together so they should figure that marriage or children would be the next step. I was only 17 when I had my first child and I was not living at home with my parents. They were a little ';freaked'; but it did not last long. Best of luck.
Me and my husband (boyfriend at the time) were 20. We both lived together to. I called my parents and told them over the phone. My husband only has his mom around. So we went to her house and told her. Surprisingly everyone took a lot better then when we expected. We also waited until I was 12 weeks along just to make sure we would not miscarry. Congratulations!!! Good Luck
Well I was a lot older but my sisters were not. They just came out and told my parents. There really is no easy way. After you tell them, if they seem upset then kindly say that you are going to give them a few days to adjust to the news and then give them their space. They will come around. If they don't know, trust ,me they will when they see their grandchild.
Time to man-up and own it. Stand by your girl and the two of you tell them together.

Honestly, they KNOW you are living together for 4 years, so they KNOW you have been having sex. If they are shocked and go through the roof when you tell them you are preg....seriously, they should have seen this one coming afar off.
Have a dinner, just your parents, you and your girlfriend. Have your girlfriend make a cake for dessert. After the meal, have your parents 'un-cover' the cake....that says.... CONGRATULATIONS Grandma and Grandpa!!!! An ultrasound picture to go along with it would be a nice touch for your mom :)
Just breathe and then spit it out. Over dinner is a good time or a small family get together is great for sharing the news.

Congrats and good luck to you.
Well, your both 19 and you have a job so there isn't too much they can say except they are happy for you. Good luck to both of you. ( and the baby )
i would say you should both tell her parents together and then you should let her talk it through with them on her own.
Yeah, be honest dude... It's a tough one but you're gonna have to go through with it at some stage. Rather sooner than later though.. Good luck with it!
Honesty is the best policy
';mom, dad, [insert ur gf name here] is pregnant! we're happy and im happy that let you know that you are going to be grandparents.';

good luck
just tell them
oooo... tough one. but just tell her.

How can I convince my girlfriend to have a threesome sex involving another man and I?

I really want to do a threesome sex involving another man, my girlfriend, and I. But the problem is that my girlfriend doesn't want to do it. How should I convince her that it's not as bad as she thinks?How can I convince my girlfriend to have a threesome sex involving another man and I?
Let me talk to her. I'll convince her of how much fun it can be.

sHow can I convince my girlfriend to have a threesome sex involving another man and I?
gand mar de uska

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you guys are pervs!!!!!!

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Certainly there is nothing you can do to make her engage in a threesome with you and even if you could if would be terribly wrong to do so. Sexuality is as individual as any other aspect on her personality, but you can encourage such activity: Let me explain:

I am an avid Massage hobbyist and a medical professional. As such, I have from time to time, been approached by some men who wondered if I could get their wives interested in a threesome by giving her a massage. I have agreed to try with the understanding that I have to trust my own ideas and if I do not think it is flowing or the mood is not right I will just finish the massage and leave.

This approach has a number of advantages: The presence of a strange man is accepted in such a situation because I am coming to provide a service in my scrubs and with my massage table. Every woman I have ever worked on was more than willing to strip naked and lie down. I usually cover –often imperfectly their butt with a small towel and work on their upper back shoulders, neck and head by which time they are usually purring with pleasure and relaxing more and more. When I begin to work the rest of their back they may begin to get the idea I may do more that medical massage when I make no attempt to avoid the sides of their breasts and more than one has lifted their chest to allow me more access to their breasts. I talk with them as I work getting their medical history, and then I reach their buttocks – an area a male practitioner sometimes avoids as too sensual, but I explain that your husband (boyfriend) etc has arranged for them to receive a special massage, one more sensual massage and that unlike medical massage the aim of my work is pleasure and hence areas consider more private will not be avoided but that they should speak up if anything makes them uncomfortable.

I explain that it can be a little vulnerable being the only one naked and I suggest the both her husband and I undress to make things more comfortable for her. I have never had a woman want to stop at that point and when we are naked he resumes watching and I remove the towel and begin to rub her butt etc.

Usually within a half hour she is fully aroused, wet and interested, sometimes she manifests a clear interest in my organ reaching for it and in those cases, I enter her. Other times she is harder to read, but aroused and I will motion over the husband and have him enter her while I continue to work other areas of her body. In either case she is involved with two men sexually. It works about 75% of the time.

This type of thing has worked well for me in the New York area and the Midwest, but you will have to judge attitudes in your area and her personality. In short I have found it a lot easier to seduce a woman to a new sexual activity if she is already naked and already feeling sensual.

Contact me for more information if you wish.

Maybe try a couple swap. Then she'd have someone and so would you. Then she wouldnt have to worry about you being jealous or anything. Girls have a harder time disconnecting from the emotional, than guys do. It's easier for me to see my husband sleep with a girl then for me to sleep with a guy. Plus girls are harder on themselves. I know I look great and guys tell me all the time, but when it comes time for a situation I always think of what the guy will be thinking. Maybe he won't like what I look like naked, or what if I don't look good when I am different positions and stuff, crazy but maybe thats her problem too. Being naked infront of someone new can be scary for girls
im a 28 year old female %26amp; i think all of the answers so far are BS!

Its ok to say that if you push her you will lose her, but then on the other hand, why shouldnt you be able to share something your interested in with your partner right?

Me %26amp; my partner have had a 3some with another female as well as another male %26amp; when the subject 1st came up, i didnt want to because i felt it would be strange doing something with another man infront of my partner! what if the other guys penis is bigger than my man? what if i enjoy myself too much? what if its crap! lol

what if my man never looks at me the same ever again ...

so maybe this is whats going through her mind too? it isnt always about women being the weaker sex %26amp; being so hard done by that they get pushed into stuff, thats total crap

you live ONCE %26amp; if its unfulfilling, you die with regrets ... so i would suggest that you sneakily pamper her with everything that she likes ... dont bombard her with stuff so she gets suspicious, but just over the next few weeks always make sure she gets her own way %26amp; enjoys all the things shes interested in, even if your not!

then, get some porn on the go one night, make sure its got a few 3some scenes ... %26amp; hope that it pops into her head how much you would like that %26amp; how great you have been recently ... if you ever do get to move onto acting out this fantasy, id start with a party or club, daring each other to watch as the other one flirts with someone ... sometimes people get a buz from that sorta thing ...

failing that, if you guys arent serious,havnt built a life together/havnt been together long, move on ... she will end up with someone who is right for her %26amp; you could find someone more open minded ... like i said, you only live once :)

FIRST HAND EXPERIENCE. I wanted to do the same thing w/ a girlfriend once. She freaked at first. We ended up having a 3some w/ another girl first so she would be more comfortable w/ another body present. After that, we did it w/ a friend of ours that we trusted and knew it wouldn't get weird with (which by the way is the toughest part). But plain and simple, if she doesn't want to, you can't force her. Either deal with it, or dump her for someone thats a little more adventurous.
if she doesn't want to do it mate, dont force her. You will only end up losing her. Keep it for you dreams at night. You gf has to keep an eye out for her.. dont force her! Or try to convince her! Thats such a horrible thing to do to a girl.
my dear friend Jenna would like to know what threesome sex is like-she is extremely interested in that topic, and she would like to try it when she is older, and maybe that would help her answer you.
this doesn't neccesarilly mean he's long as he's not wanting to do the other guy. some guys like watching their girls with another man, kinda like porn. weird, but don't pressure her, cause it's kinda nasty.
show her some porn with some good threesomes, it will turn on her curiosity. If not don't bother her about it, she's just not the group type %26amp; there's nothing wrong with that.
Don't be a pig. Pushing your girlfriend to do something won't get you anywhere.
haha good luck with that dude, really, lol.

and it depends on the other dude
i think you should go have sex with monkeys
.Next step,you'll be hiring her out for cash.Your a pimp
let her pick man
i think you gay..

How can I get my girlfriend to open up for sex?

I really want my girlfriend to open up so i can have sex with her, if not then i'm going to cheat on her, and break up with her. What should i do?How can I get my girlfriend to open up for sex?
wow Dareed, you are one pathetic loser.How can I get my girlfriend to open up for sex?
Why don't you choose to be honest with her, and tell her you are really desperate to have sex with her, and if she chooses not to have sex with you that you intend to break up with her and have sex with someone else. Don't try to talk someone into sex just because you don't have any self control. She may not be ready for it. Who is to say that even if she does ';put out'; that you won't cheat on her anyway? Virginity is a very sacred thing to girls, and they don't just give it away at their boyfriends whim. If they do, then they haven't had the right role models, or dont' have enough respect for themselves. Don't hide your true motives from her, make it known so she will know what kind of person you truley are.
look, i work around people like you just about all day long, if you want to stay out of jail, i would recommend you not push her into it because both of you might not be ready and she can say that you forced her to do it. i hope that you reconsider because that is just not right what you are trying to do. i hope this helped and do something else so you wont be thinking about sex all the time because that is how people go to jail, trust me i work around people that had the same problem that you had, i work inside a high security prison.
well if you are going to cheat on her dude just break up with her its not worth the mess it brings trust me , set the mood right be romantic , relax her let her know everything is ok , that you will treat her well, and you will not hurt her , use candles and good music and dont be mean about it and then trust me she will open up fast ,,,,,,,
yo dude u must be a dumb *** .....Because if she thinks you will break up with her because she does not want to have sex that's putting pressure on her to do it and that is considered rape in PA if she does anything with you even if she says yes it is still rape and this blog thing is proff in court .(i only know that because we learned that 2 day in school so my advice is not to do anything with her unless she brings it up)oooo and this girl can do sooooo much better than u i may not no her but any girl deserves better
First of all, you're an idiot, sorry. You shouldn't make her have sex if she doesn't want to have sex - that's her decision, not yours. And if you're going to cheat on her and leave her because of it, then she definitely deserves better than you anyways. That is low. Real low. If you can't respect her and her choices and jsut wait then you should leave her, because that is wrong on so many levels.
Wow, you're a douche bag.

You don't pressure someone into sex, that's a huge step.

That's meant for marriage, or at the least, people who love each other.

You should go jump off a cliff b/c you're such an *** hole, that's my advice.

I can't believe all you people who are saying get her drunk, or talk her into it...if she doesn't want to, then she doesn't want to! **** all of you. OMG! Why would you even say something like that? First of all, it's wrong to have sex before marriage, MAYBE she has morals. Second of all, losing virginity is a HUGE deal, I lost mine by being pressured into it, and I regret it every day of my life, it has ruined my life, I hate even thinking about sex or thinking about sexual things whatsoever, it's so hard for me to even have a relationship anymore b/c of that. If I saw any of you, I would beat the **** out of all of you. This is a girl's life you are ******* with.
if your girlfriend doesn'tt want to have sex with you i say shes smart, i mean you sound like a total desperate jerk, i mean who would, when all you want from a realationship is sex. to losers like you it just seems like the only thing love means is Legs Open Very Easily

dude go catch yourself on fire and fall in a hole
confront her and ask her what her problem is about having sex with you.

Maybe it's the fact she doesn't feel ready to have sex yet.

And clearly you don't like her enough to wait until shes ready, which in that case the best things to do is to break up with her DO NOT CHEAT!!!!
Well then you really don't love her. It's just sex to you. Go ahead and break up with her and she can find someone who really loves her and not pressure her for sex. She will when she's ready. Don't pressure her or she will not trust you and you still won't get any.
Your question makes you sound young, hormonal, and inexperianced. If your girlfriend is not ready then she is not ready, there is no making her open up. you dont have to be in love to have sex, but it is just that sex, maybe that is not what she wants.
Well you are a total loser. So I'm not going to help you. As a matter of fact just break up with her in a decent way and go find a slut that is free and ';open'; with her body. That way your girlfriend can move on and find someone who is not such a jerk.
tell her that sex is really a important thing to you and that you might not be able to continue with the realtionship if she dosen't want to open up.

If she still dose not want to go through with it then break up with her gentley....
Thats a sad thing. You should care more about a girl than to have sex with her. If she isnt ready than you need to accept that. Your a weak person if you have to cheat on her your better of breaking up with her instead of putting her through that. Your selfish.
go **** your self and if i knew you i would **** you up that girl is not ready do her a favor and let her go **** im a guy and i want sex but i know how to wait if you want it that bad stake your hand and jake your dick ******* ashole
why do you want to force something like that on someone you obviously don't even care about? Some people actually need a real connection to have sex with someone.

Spare her the STDs and break up. Find someone as shallow as yourself
break up with her then go get laid! you are a pathetic lw mother ******! how long have you been together? there is nothing that you can do if she does not want to have sex and yu won't take no for an answer then you leave that is that!
Try not being a big tool, you shouldn't be having sex if what you're writing here is a demostration of your maturity level. It's ******* like you who are populating the world with morons. Just like your parents.
you can just ask if she wants to hang out in your place .

or walk her home and give a signal that you want to go up with her.

answer mine plz;鈥?/a>
dump her and save her the aggravation and heart break over someone who is not even worth it. Your disgusting and guys like you don't deserve to be with anyone because you do not respect women.
How about treating your girlfriend with respect and love? saying that you'll cheat on her and break up with her if she won't put out shows your a total ***.

I hope you girlfriend dumps you and finds a better man.
You answered your own question. Suppose you do have sex. Ready for all that emotional involvement? Sex is like smoking and alcohol, easy to start not so easy to stop.
your a loser! im a guy and i believe sex shouldnt be the main thing. if u care about her u wouldn't care and let her take her time. i think she won't do it because a skumbag like u is probably asking her over and over
seriously, get her drunk or high, put some nice music on, n set the mood. :)
It's either you're really young and stupid and probably aren't mature enough to have sex or you're just a horrible boyfriend and should probably date your hand!
Wow, thats pathetic!

i can tell youre a fcukin virgin by the way youre so desperate to get laid.


i hope she breaks up with you first, and then i hope you get aids
sit her down and tallk to her.

To be honest though, i think that youre a bit of a jerk. Going to dump her just because she wont have sex with you!
Nice. I can tell you truly care about your girlfriend and love and respect the ground she walks on. You truly are an awesome boyfriend.
umm dont pressure her ibnto sex its called rape you can go to jail if she presses charge talk with her tell her your read for sex if not leave her tell her you need a girl whos more sexual
Yep Dareed, you are a pathetic loser with no sense of respect for anyone other than yourself. Judging from other people's comments, I think that the majority of them agree also.
you should breakup with her. Tell her the truth about how you feel. Remember KARMA is a mother....! You need a relationship that the feelings are mutual.
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    I want to kiss my girlfriend and i know she wants to kiss me and we have a date at the movies on friday. So what do i do to make her kiss me? Do i just wait until she looks at me and do i lean in?How do i get my girlfriend to kiss me at the movies?
    yupHow do i get my girlfriend to kiss me at the movies?
    Yeah, that works!

    good luck! :)

    How do you tell your girlfriend that you might be becoming a parent soon?

    My ex-girlfriend is pregnant and I want to know how to do this in the best way I can possibly do this without making matters worst. Any advice please?How do you tell your girlfriend that you might be becoming a parent soon?
    Is it a new girlfriend?

    Did you cheat on the new girlfriend?

    those answers really determine how you tell her.

    but overall you should be straight forward with her and tell her the news right away. Don't be too surprise if she needs time to think about your relationship. Your news could affect the rest of her life too.

    good luck!How do you tell your girlfriend that you might be becoming a parent soon?
    Wow, that's a tough situation. I'm assuming that she just found out she's pregnant and you guys had been split up and you moved on to your current girlfriend. I would just totally be honest with your girlfriend and tell her your ex told you she is pregnant and it's your baby, but be ready for a possible break up with the new girl. A baby is a huge commitment, especially if you are a new girlfriend. Good luck!

    How do I get my girlfriend to change religions?

    My girlfriend is Muslim and I am Christian. I love her to death. But I want her to go to heaven with me. I wish she would accept God and Jesus into her life. How should I go about convincing her to accept Jesus into her life?How do I get my girlfriend to change religions?
    Careful, her dad might put a Fatwa out on youHow do I get my girlfriend to change religions?
    No no no. You give Christians a horrible name! Don't push her to change anything, that is horrible.
    Muslims already accept Jesus and God. You should look into Islamic beliefs more (not suggesting you convert, and I'm Christian myself). Judaism, Christianity, and Islam share like 90% of their beliefs. Islam believes pretty much EVERYTHING in the New Testament, they just add on more.

    I highly doubt that your girlfriend will appreciate you trying to convert her. And even if she did, her family would not.
    i bett, you wil convert into islam. see .
    Be an example of Christ.
    ';If she converted to Christianity her parents would literally KILL her, that is what the religion teaches, to kill those who covert their religion.';

    I wonder where the Muslims got that idea from...

    Deuteronomy 17

    If there be found among you, within any of thy gates which the LORD thy God giveth thee, man or woman, that hath wrought wickedness in the sight of the LORD thy God, in transgressing his covenant; 17:3 And hath gone and served other gods, and worshipped them, either the sun, or moon, or any of the host of heaven, which I have not commanded; 17:4 And it be told thee, and thou hast heard of it, and enquired diligently, and, behold, it be true, and the thing certain, that such abomination is wrought in Israel; 17:5 Then shalt thou bring forth that man or that woman, which have committed that wicked thing, unto thy gates, even that man or that woman, and shalt stone them with stones, till they die.
    Is this serious? You can't force change on people, nor is it ethical to manipulate them into changing. If you cannot accept her for who she is, you have no business being with her. And WTF anyway, Muslims aren't allowed to date. I call a troll
    You don't.

    You respect her for who she is, religion and all. If you are so sure that unless she converts to Christianity, she will be damned, then maybe you shouldn't be with her, because you clearly judge her negatively.
    first off accept her for what she are worthless if you try and change who she is, why did you fall in love with her if you dont like her for who she is?

    if you still feel like its your duty to change people to your flawed religion, give her the big O
    Psychological abuse seems to work well.
    Prayer and fasting. You need to battle against the spiritual forces that are keeping her in darkness.

    (Eph 1:18) I pray also that the eyes of your heart may be enlightened in order that you may know the hope to which he has called you, the riches of his glorious inheritance in the saints,

    (2Co 4:3-4 NIV) And even if our gospel is veiled, it is veiled to those who are perishing. The god of this age has blinded the minds of unbelievers, so that they cannot see the light of the gospel of the glory of Christ, who is the image of God.

    The book ';prayers that rout demons'; has a whole series of very good spiritual warfare prayers. Some of which are for praying for unsaved folks. Buy a few other good spiritual warfare books by the likes of Derek Prince, Ed Murphy, etc. This is a spiritual battle not an earthly battle. You need to beat the demons that are keeping her in the dark so that she can see the truth.
    Please Dont as a Christian I hate seeing other Christians shove our bullshit down others throats. Also as Christian we beilive other religions are also correct so its almost sacraligious/
    Well, turn the question around, and however you answer that, I'm sure it's the same. So, How could she get you to change your religion? Oh she couldn't? Wow. I bet you'll wonder why she would be offended at you trying to change her religion also. Shocker.
    Hypnotize her.

    Seriously dude, it's almost impossible.

    If she converted to Christianity her parents would literally KILL her, that is what the religion teaches, to kill those who covert their religion.
    I know you love your girlfriend, but the Bible does talk about being ';equally yoked'; in relationships. That means that you date/marry someone that is on the same spiritual level as you. Otherwise, it tears people apart. :(

    How do I get my girlfriend to break up with me?

    How do I get my girlfriend to break up with me, without cheating or being an asshole? We've have been together for a few months, and already said ';I love you'; to each other. And the worst part [but one of the biggest reasons i wanna keep talking to her] is that I'm a big influence in her daughter's life [I've been there more than her biological father has been] and I wanna be there for her and help her grow up.How do I get my girlfriend to break up with me?
    Wow did you really just ask that question??? I swear I need to create a website and just give people advice all day. You need to break it off with her ASAP! There is nothing worse then someone leading you on. THe longer you wait to find a way to break up with her, the worse it will be once you do it. Sit down and explain it to her... Let her know what you think the two of you should just be friends instead. As for the daughter, if you want to play daddy then more power to you but I personally think you should just break up and move on in every way. In the future when she finds someone else it will create issues for her and may be confusing to the child. Be a man, step up, get a backbone and do what you have to do. It doesnt matter how you do it, she is going to think you are a jerk... she cares about you and your breaking up with her so that is natural for her to think that... You can do it.. stop wasting her time!!!!How do I get my girlfriend to break up with me?
    Ask anyone of your friends this question that's actually used this tactic to get out of a relationship, and ask them how it went.

    What is so terrible about getting out of something ( and being man enough to state that, and give real reasons)?

    I know personally, it would be much easier for me to continue a friendship, or have some kind of peace between myself and the other person if they were just honest. I'm sure that she would appreciate that as well.

    What would be hard is being led on, another day, and basically being lied to....

    The choice is yours, but every human being has the ability to do what is right.

    Do that, and you can't go wrong.

    As far as the child, it's better that she doesn't see mommy going through a relationship like this where one person is obviously emotionally detatched.

    Think about the child.

    They will be fine without you, I'm sure.
    So you want this girl to break up with you...but you want to stay around in her life so that you can continue to be a father figure to her child. That just sounds like a creeper thing to me. How bout you try telling her that you dont feel that you guys are going anywhere together and that you would like to remain friends and be there for her and her daughter.
    Tell her you don't think the relationships going anywhere bf/gf wise ..tell her you love her and always will love her but not in that way and you love her daughter and wanna continue to be a part of her life, and that you'd rather be just close friends, she'll most likely understand maybe not at first but give her time and she will.
    guy, u are a jerk if you have been wanting her to break up with you. and why are you feeling this way if you say you love her? i think you dont really want to break up bc if you did, you would have already! so maybe you need to re-evaluate the situation. then if you still dont want to be her bf anymore, then you need to be a man and end it.

    my EX got me to break up with him by cheating on me. finally he confessed he did it to make me break up.

    Wanting the girl to do it is just being mean and lazy!
    if you care about her and her daughter you should tell the truth just because your not dating doesn't mean you can't be friends and still remain active in her daughters life but don't put yourself through with if if your not going to be happy you'd be living a lie and that's not fair to them or yourself
    to be honest mate, what ever way you do it, it is gona hurt a lot, but if the mother starts to hate u she wont let you be apart of the girls life.

    you have to try explain to her, but what ever the outcome she will be hurt very hurt.
    Honestly, I think you need to clarify why YOU don't want to break up with her.

    You're just putting more work on yourself with trying to get her to break up with you.

    Well, the only thing I can tell you is to try to get her to notice more of your flaws, turn offs.
    you would be an asshole if you kept on leading her on. just break up with her.
    And why cant you break up with her yourself? It's better than leading her on.
    You've only been together a few months and you have a child?
    tell her this
    your in abit of a pickle. man thats gotta hurt.

    How can I help my girlfriend get over her fear of kissing?

    I knew my girlfriend's ex boyfriend and well, he pretty much forced her into kissing him. Now I'm going out with her and i want to help her out. I want her to feel comfortable kissing again. Any tips? How can I help my girlfriend get over her fear of kissing?
    You have to start out slow. don't push her and don't alk about it too much, that will only build pressure on the topic. Watch how Rocky does it in the first Rocky movie. he Tells her he is going to kiss her... ... she doesn't have to kiss him back if she doesn't want to. Then he slowly kisses her gently. he kisses her again and she kisses him back. It is the single most romantic scene in any movie in I don't know, THE WORLD?!? learn from the champ. I know that movies are hardly real life, but follow the example. He gives her freedom, respect, then a kiss. I suggest you begin with just little kisses on her cheek, Then move down her neck. then move closer to her mouth again. Be sure to let her know your intentions so their are no surprises. And tell her to let you know if she starts feeling frantic or frightened. Then intend on kisssing her on the corner of the mouth closed at first, then gently kiss the corner of her mouth adding some tongue to it. Always brush your teeth and floss/rinse before kissing a woman and never shove your tongue in her mouth until you caress her alittle first. and by corner of her mouth I don't mean kiss one side of her mouth, I mean kiss her so that slightly more of her cheek is in your mouth than her actual mouth. and NEVER use too much tongue. Use just enough tongue to feel her's against yours... rub ends, you dig? then you can move closer ands closer to a full french kiss. That is my advice and I hope it serves you well.How can I help my girlfriend get over her fear of kissing?
    well just yea take it slow. but if u do wait for her that could take forever too. so just when you think the moment is right. like you can be holding her hand and if you guys are holding hands and look into eachothers eyes for a couple seconds, do it then. but dont stand there looking at her waiting too long or she will just look away. and move in kind of slow. and dont kiss her on the cheek first, for sure do the real thing first. hey good luck man!
    Start out slow, such as cuddling and kissing on the cheek. She will eventually become comfortable with kissing you, because she will be more comfortable with you. So yes, start out slow and do not rush.
    Patience is key,let her come to you.
    dont rush into it

    How do I get my girlfriend to like the kind of guys I like?

    My girlfriend and I are really into threesomes, but whenever we do we always end up including somebody she really likes but I don't like at all. It seems we can never really agree on this issue when it comes to guys and all. Is there any advice how to deal with this?How do I get my girlfriend to like the kind of guys I like?
    Obviously your in to girls as well so why not split the task of the decision making, take it in turns to pick a guy or a girl. She can pick the guy and you can pick the girl. Seems fair to me : )How do I get my girlfriend to like the kind of guys I like?
    When I was having a similar issue with my wife (we are swingers) I went to a witch/psychic that cast an attraction spell so that we would have the same taste in men. It worked very well and I would recommend you try it. I used
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  • How do I make my girlfriend feel special?

    My girlfriend is the best,but when ever I tell her that she is beautiful,she denies it....What can I do or say to her so she knows the way I feel about her %26amp; how much she means to me?How do I make my girlfriend feel special?
    i think she's only denying it because she craves for more of your attention, if she's putting herself down..then that should be an indication that she's negative about her looks and insecure. Give her a spa day or treat her to a shopping spree or manicure..anything related to looks, because afterwards you can spoil her with your attention ^.^ try it out.How do I make my girlfriend feel special?
    Tell her you love her. Presto. But you have to mean it or else.
    sometimes just hanging out and showing a little affection

    is all it takes
    write her a love letter with your true feelings.
    gie her romantic things and talk to her like you mean it.........
    gift....And romantical stuff lol
    spunk in her face. they love that

    How can i make my girlfriend keep quiet for sometime without hearting her?

    My girlfriend talks a lot. I'm a very good listener and love to reply her stupid innocent questions.Sometimes i want to do my work quietly but she doesn't let me do this. I love her a lot and don't want to heart her and that's why i can't say 'shut up'. Please tell me what shoul i do?How can i make my girlfriend keep quiet for sometime without hearting her?
    please can you just let me concentrate on this and you can talk for as long as you want later

    try that How can i make my girlfriend keep quiet for sometime without hearting her?
    That's a tough one, but with tact, you can turn things around.

    Nicely explain to her that you need to get a certain amount of work done, in order to be successful/accomplish your goals. Then tell her that you just can't concentrate on work when she talks, because you would rather be spending quality time conversing with her. Finally, say that you must finish your work before talking with her, both so that you can enjoy the time together focused on her -instead of worrying about your work-, and because that is the only way you can grantee that you'll actually get your work done.

    Hope this helps!
    Honey, I love you with all my heart. But, I have to get this project done. When you speak to me, your sweet melodic voice, grabs all my attention. And the work isn't getting done.

    Can I please have some time to focus, then...I'M ALL YOURS !!!
    just say 'hey i got some work to do and i need to concentrate'

    How do i get my girlfriend to shave?

    My girlfriend is a little too hairy from down there. But I dont want to tell her directly to shave there. I dont plan to go anywhere near her forests unless she turns it into a lagoon. Please help!How do i get my girlfriend to shave?
    Set an example and shave yours firstHow do i get my girlfriend to shave?
    yikes... i'm a girl who's fanatical about body hair removal so it's hard for me to relate to this kind of issue. but maybe try and turn it into something sexy and suggest u shave each other or something? i don't know, my boyfriend and i talk to each other openly and say just about anything so that still might be awkward for you. but we have done this before and it was funny and cute. but you know, you can make it like a giggly silly fun thing, and then when you're all cleaned up (and still naked) get the real action started.
    well some girls don't like to shave.. Mmm, well maybe you can wait a little bit and tell her how you feel about it and ask her if she thinks so too and is okay with shaving it... then yes.. then all works out..

    No.. then let it be and let time be your chance into a lagoon. good luck!
    if you are dating you should tell each other these things so suck it up and tell her.

    answer mine pls鈥?/a>
    That's the million dollar question isn't it? Offer to do it for her...Then go down on her to show her the pro's of being shaven...
    Just tell her she needs to shave it, or shave it for her.

    Or next time you go down rip it off with your teeth.
    Just come out and ask her. Be honest with her and ask her if there is anything that she would like for you to change if it will make the situation easier.
    haha i had to do this over the summer its hard.. but I just asked her if she could try shaving but it was really wierd you cant be too blune because then they get maaadddd and dont put out
    There is probably no easy way to get her to shave unless you tell her directly or do it urself! lol
    Tell her she has more hair than an Indian blanket. You'll get results.
    Offer to trim it for her... what a turn on.
    oh my

    tell her to wax

    und if she say no

    tell her....that the forest scene aint appealing
    jus ask her nicely tht u would prefer if she shaved. idk y she hasnt done it already tho. thts nasty

    How can I get my girlfriend to dress more sexily in and out of the bedroom?

    I would like my girlfriend to wear sexy underwear both for sex and when we go out. Nothing slutty just sexy stuff - and yes I have bought some! She doesnt seem to like wearing stocking either?

    Have also asked her to go out commando and she refused.

    Why is she being unresonable?

    What can I do?How can I get my girlfriend to dress more sexily in and out of the bedroom?
    ha ha, wait till your married pal!!!!!!! You've no bloody chance then. Once they've trapped you you're knackered then palHow can I get my girlfriend to dress more sexily in and out of the bedroom?
    I agree with the previous answer...the girl is entitled to wear what she wants, what makes you think that you can choose for her, if she doesnt feel comfortable doing what you ask, accept it, it's not unreasonable, your jus being an *** for thinking you can control what she wears. love the girl for who she is not what she wears just to please you. Imagine how you would feel if she was demanding you do something that she didn't want to, have some consideration and respect from her for gods sake. She is a woman not a trophy! I think you should ask yourself why you are being so unreasonable!!!
    Right, she's being unreasonable because she refuses to go out without underwear!!

    Your question isn't worth replying to.

    How can I get my girlfriend to stop wearing corsets and weird stuff?

    I don't wanna tell her straight to her face because that's just mean but my girlfriend dresses really stuffy, like skirts and blouses and dress shirts and stuff like that.

    On top of that, she came over last Saturday and she was changing into one of my T-shirts and she was wearing a corset.

    Why does she do this?

    It just makes me feel weird and uncomfortable about it because I want her to wear something that's comfortable-looking. Like something from Abercrombie or Hollister or something.How can I get my girlfriend to stop wearing corsets and weird stuff?
    This is your girlfriend and you want to tell her how to dress? You don't try to control someone you love-you give them the freedom to be themselves.

    Maybe she thinks you like that kind of stuff. Why not ask her without accusing? Ask her if that's her favourite and if you were to ever buy her a present of some kind of clothing, what would she like %26amp; why?

    Communication is the key to any relationship-it solves the problems if you can either agree to differ or compromise. You have to decide-do you really love her and can you accept her for who she is?How can I get my girlfriend to stop wearing corsets and weird stuff?
    If she's wearing a corset, she might be trying to look sexy for you... depending on what it looks like (but if its more conservative skirts and such, she could be a hutterite and that kind of attire could be part of her culture/religion). If you feel uncomfortable about what she's wearing, try complimenting her when does put on something loose fitting like your t-shirt or maybe buy her some clothes from the stores you like and give them to her as a present. If she looks offended then just tell her you think she looks sexy in them.

    I dont know what else to say, I'm extremely forward with people so if it was me, I would just be up-front and honest. Good luck!
    She's probably doing that to get the hourglass figure every girl longs to have!

    The common misconception is, a corset slackens your stomach muscles so they can't be toned in the future. BIG MISTAKE!

    Just tell her nicely and honestly that you'd rather her just wear what he's comfortable in. Say it in a way that's not blunt, like. ';Babe, don't you think you'd be more comfortable in just a shirt?'; and then playfully wrap your arms around her with a shirt in your hand. As a hint.
    I always suspected there was a legitimate reason why some parents don't allow their young kids to date.

    Since you have answered MY question, I'll be kind and answer yours.


    If you don't like it, go find one of the 3.25 BILLION other females out there that dresses in a style that you DO approve of.
    Well you cant really get her to stop wearing these - its her individual sense of style and shes obviously happy with it - surely she was like this when you met her?

    Maybe buy her a nice polo shirt or something and tell her you think it would look great on her - maybe broaden her fashion options a bit... thats all I can suggest

    Hide them. You can turn it into a game or something. Or burn your place down with her clothes in and with the insurance buy her some normal clothes. Or become nudists. Or petition the government to make the wearing of corsets in public illegal.

    Pick your favourite from above.
    I'm just wondering why you think you have the right to stop her wearing what she wants... she's your girlfriend and I'm assuming she dressed like this before you got with her, if you have a problem with the way she dresses then why did you get with her?

    my guess is that you're not going to like some of the answers you're going to get and you're going to feel like a real dick for asking it
    Leave her alone - she can wear whatever she wants. Because you think it doesn't look comfortable doesn't mean it's not. I assume she was wearing the same kind of clothes when you 1st met her, why now do you wish her to change?
    What would you sooner have, a girlfriend who takes her time and pride in what she wears or a girlfriend who dresses up in track suit bottoms and a burghouse jacket?

    Your girlfriend dresses really stuffy????
    Why you getting stressed? Didn't she dress like that before you started dating her? Why is it bugging you now?
    If you want to date a preppy chick then there are lots around. Stop trying to hold her back with your mainstream tastes.
    1st i agree with josh h

    2nd she sould wear wat she wants
    you freak wots wrong with u
    Your sure it was a corset and not a basque or something?

    If you don't like her clothes just offer to buy her a new outfit - go with her to the shop and point out things you like and say how stunning they'd look on her. Or if you're watching TV and see a woman in a nice dress say it'd look better on your GF, etc

    How can i give my girlfriend an orgasm on Valentines Day ?

    I don't think shes ever had a proper one off me, or im never sure if she has, because i've never heard her moan or anything. She likes sex a lot but it seems to be relaxed, never jumping around screaming orgasmic sex. I saw a question 2 minutes ago about some girl who cant help screaming whilst shes having sex, and I want my girlfriend to be able to do that :(

    Any tips please ?How can i give my girlfriend an orgasm on Valentines Day ?
    Simple answer: DON'T. Sex should be between only a man and his wife, just like the Lord Jesus said. God Bless!How can i give my girlfriend an orgasm on Valentines Day ?
    you gotta stir her up like a pot. start off real slow and then work up the intensity, go in waves like that and make sure she's feeling you the whole time. if she seems too ';relaxed'; ask her flat out ';what do you want me to do for you'; ask her if she wants it fast or slow, hard or soft or maybe a few thrusts that are as deep as you can go and hold it in for a few seconds at a time. that usually gets the ladies going real nice. just keep trying new things and ask her ';like this?'; ';like this?'; etc
    Some girls aren't the screaming type - they just like to enjoy it in silence. May sound weird but true. Maybe let her be in charge - let her be the one on top. If the girl is in control, then she is able to sense what feels good. On the other hand, if the guy is in charge, he is more likely to make himself feel good rather than please his woman. A woman likes power, too.
    Ask her to guide you. Different women like different things. The clit and the g-spot are the main events for almost all women though ... we do have different ways we like them being touched.

    Also, not all women are screamers. I'm not. I'm a quiet person and I may moan a little and breath differently, but I've never screamed and I've definitely had orgasms. Actually, sometimes when I feel the best my mind is so blank that I'm literally speechless.
    Discover the clitoris. Consider purchasing and using a vibrator. Ask her what she likes and what feels good and then do it.
    Tell her how good it makes you feel. How good she looks while having sex and give it to her harder to make her scream and want more.
    Get her a vibrator that they call ';the silver bullet';. That should get her raring to go within seconds.
    doggy style is the easiest way to hit the g-spot.
    another man lol im just joking
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  • How come the my girlfriend who condemned fornication now wants to have sex? Why is she being hypocritical?

    My girlfriend and I have been together for several months. We are both devout Christians. We took vows of chastity. Prior to us getting together, I noticed her condemnatory attitude towards sex, and that is one of the main things that attracted me to her since I also condemn sex. Now she wants to have sex. I don't know what to do. That is a sin.

    I am mad at her for being a hypocrite and wanting to sin. Should I break up with her?How come the my girlfriend who condemned fornication now wants to have sex? Why is she being hypocritical?
    Breaking up with someone over a weakness in their time of need is a cowardly, non-Christlike act!

    The action of a truly supportive partner would be to address it with her and to help her fight the urges until you two can tie the knot or move on. Channel her energy elsewhere, and get her to talk to her pastor/bishop/counselor about the urges she's having.

    Having the urges is part of being human. Controlling the carnal desires of the flesh is one of the hardest challenges we face and you shouldn't abandon her for being human.How come the my girlfriend who condemned fornication now wants to have sex? Why is she being hypocritical?
    It's a fake question, people. I've known zero Christians in my life who ';condemn sex'; -- as in all, including while married. The dude is just goading you.

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    And I dig the ';cupidgirl'; actress there, to make it look real.

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    Don't be mad at her, she is either leaning towards peer pressure or afraid she may lose you. Does she know that is how you truly feel? Talk to her, tell her that is why you want to be together, because you both agreed to vows of chastity until marriage. And you still want that. And if she goes out of your close highly standard godly relationship then she was listening and may be succumbing to peer pressure in which is the lies of the enemy. Give her a choice, be with you until marriage if that's God's will, and be pure or leave on go on her own way.
    Because she's human. I'm an atheist who has dated plenty of Christians, and without exception, they've all been this way.

    People are really good at compartmentalizing their superstitious beliefs, and rationalizing their hypocrisy. Your belief system tells you that this is sinful/evil/whatever but the fact is it's just human nature, and these superstitious beliefs arose out of the fact that parents naturally want their children to find good mates -- especially the parents of the female, because there's an evolutionary advantage to doing so. I highly recommend a book on evolutionary psychology, like The Moral Animal by Robert Wright. You'll quickly understand why so many cultures have similar aversions to premarital sex.

    Now, the following is just personal advice: Don't waste these years of your life. Some day you will likely realize that you've believed in a lie all of your life and regret that you've wasted some of the prime years of your only (as far as we know) life because of this. You will regret the missed opportunities.

    But, then again, you may be religious your entire life and feel in your gut that you've done the right thing, despite nature telling you otherwise.
    ';I noticed her condemnatory attitude towards sex, and that is one of the main things that attracted me to her since I also condemn sex.';

    Best quote of the day.

    She's just being realistic. Unless you're nervous about sex, asexual, homosexual or you just don't like her, I don't know why you would deny having sex with her if she wants to and she loves you.
    You should sit down with her and discuss this. Discuss what first attracted her to you and discuss that you feel very strongly about not having sex before marriage.

    Maybe you should also ask her why she wants to have sex, is it peer pressure or does she not feeling attractive by you?

    In the end, if you truly want to stick to your religion and not have sex before marriage and she doesn't, then you are both heading in different paths.

    Best wishes to you both, may god be with you.
    People are allowed to change their mind, views, opinions, and beliefs. If we were all set in our ways it would be a pretty ****** up world. Thankfully, most people change and grow everyday.

    Since you want to stay true to yourself and God, don't have sex until marriage. By the way, there is nothing wrong with sex itself; the act is wonderful and I hope you fully enjoy yourself once you are married--don't hold back.

    I think your girlfriend is just being human; we all want affection and to show our love in the most intimate way possible. It doesn't mean you have to dump her. If you love her, then stay with her and just be very clear that you will not be tempted or put up with her bringing sex up. If she truly can't wait, then you two will probably not be able to continue in the relationship unless you are planning on marrying her down the road.
    She could have been lying to you. I grew up in a private Christian school and many of the girls would lie about their convictions either because they are ashamed of them or because they think that is what you want to hear. She may be have been telling the truth and just has come to point in her relationship with you that she ';thinks'; she wants to be with you forever and has decided to try to act on her natural human urges. Who knows most women are sluts just like us men its just a matter of time, and the right situation that they show it. Bottom line if you want to stay pure until that wedding day either, drop the hoe, or get married ASAP.
    Chill, don't jump to such fast conclusions first. If you are considering breaking up with her just because of this sudden desire to have sex, then your relalationship might be dubious already from the beginning. Yes, pre-marital sex is not right in the eyes of God and it's good that you are obeying Him, but then you should see the other side of the coin as well, which is WHY is it that your gf wants to sudden do IT?

    Get to the root of things first before you make any hasty decisions. =)
    As a Christian, I would certainly advice you to leave her.

    She is attracting you to sin...pulling to a world where you will be separated from God. Do not incur God's anger for her. She is, no offence meant, but a mere hypocrite.

    She can't resist temptations, she shouldn't be involved in relationships in the first place.

    Anyways, yes, I advice you to break up if she insists on having pre-martial sex. If she promises to change and pray for repentance, give her a chance.
    Maybe you should talk to her, I am a Christian... and your right... it is a sin! Pray about what to do, if all else fails... yes... break up with her. I don't think she is being a hypocrite though. She mighn't just want to fit in... how old are you guys? I donno what else to say... but pray, and talk to her! Maybe you could go to a school dounselor (don't know how old you are...) k, I hope this helps!


    God Bless!
    If you condemn sex then you are anti-Christian. The very first thing your god told adam and eve is to go in the bushes and f**k. If you're still anti-sex then she should definitely break up with you.

    However, changing one's mind is not hypocrisy.
    Um...she's thinks your cute, likely wants to show her affection for you, and you're thinking of dumping her? She wants to ';wuv on ya a wittle'; and you're thinking of completely turning your back on her? I'd suggest you rethink your values, bubba.
    Well - This is just human nature and I am sure God will not be too bothered. So if you are both ready for it - Go for it.

    And yes she is a hypocrite for changing her views. But maybe you are Irresistable to her... Good luck
    What do you believe? You say that it is a sin. You even took vows of chastity. Stick to your faith! Don't compromise your soul simply because your girlfriend wants you to give in to temptation!

    No, you should have sex with her. Maybe then you'll realize how beautiful sex can be. There's no such thing as sin--just perverse religions that want to make you feel bad for doing what is only natural. Enjoy life!
    Because she's just another human being. She gets horny, that's why she lives.
    You shouldn't be condemning sex

    Sex outside marriage, yes
    LMAO maybe she is just horny?

    I mean after all if there was a women out there that loved me and wanted to have sex with me what would stop me? nothing lol.
    if you want to follow the bible, then yes.. flee.

    if not, then you should live your life to the fullest without thinking about what the bible says....
    Hmmm, if you don't have sex, maybe she'll think you're afraid. It's just a vagina, cough fanny fright
    Do trolls have morefun?
    you do realise that most people wouldnt be complaining in that situation.

    All I got to say is

    Dont be a poof
    no, shes horney, just do it any ways...ull like it unless ur gay.
    Yeah i think that's good idea. She's too good for you. Why should she stay with a man who can't satisfy her needs.
    save your self dont do it wait untell your 40
    There is no simple yes or no to this question. Your girlfriend is obviously having a hard time understanding the carnal desires within her. And like some have said before my reply, help her to seek the council of your church. If she is unwilling to at least seek council, then your only choice is to leave the situation before it upsets your feelings about your faith. She is not a true hypocrite either, people grow and change that is life. However, she also cannot go changing the originals of the situation. If you are feeling trapped by your faith in this situation, then welcome to being human. But don't condemn her decision to change. Merely look into yourself and make the choice for you. If that doesn't connect with what she wants, then you know what to do. If it does connect with what she desires, then more power to you both. Consider also that King James was the first person to truly condemn premarital sex in your book of faith. The old testament does not condemn this, in fact, it says that companions were found of their fathers. So you ask the father for permission to ';lay with his daughter'; you were in fact marrying the girl in the eyes of God.
    since I cannot email you because you have it disabled; I will respond to you here...

    you'd replied to my post about my life %26amp; circumstances by writing some really rude %26amp; offensive things: excuse me, but is it the ';christian way'; for you to belittle someone who is already suffering? if you were truly abiding by the Lord's wishes you would have simply encouraged me to repent %26amp; support my continued relationship with God... just so you know; it was a weak moment for me. %26amp; normally I am strong %26amp; positive which is again restored today...

    having said that; I will also quote one of your responses to another person's question; ';Masturbate on my face. I would enjoy that. I could stroke your penis for you. How big is your penis? Masturbating is good for you. It helps you to get closer to God.';

    2 days ago

    THAT is what you wrote to someone- now who is the vile one?

    I dont know who you think you are; going around condemning everyone else, because your own words clearly exemplify the kind of indvidual you truly are; %26amp; of course, God knows the truth as well-

    %26amp; PS: GO AHEAD %26amp; report me- it would be worth it even if my acct was suspended-
    No, you should stick it in her butt to show her the error of her ways. At first she won't like it, but keep at it, she'll learn to enjoy it, and you will too.

    Sin doesn't exist
    time for you to choose between your God and your girl. Glad i am not faced with your dilema.

    There is no such thing as sin or God in my opinion.
    Chances are she's cheated on you and is now pregnant. She wants to have sex with you so she can claim it's yours.

    How to help my girlfriend with first time sex?

    Me and my girlfriend are trying to have sex for the first time and we are just trying to fit my penis inside of her. I am fairly large (8 inches and quite wide) and it's pushing her to the point of tears when I try to enter her, even though she is very wet and I try to go as slow as possible. Any tips or ideas as to how to make it better? We just want to try and fit it in.How to help my girlfriend with first time sex?
    Lube.its your bestfriend!! Just put some on your penis or even your fingers and rub it on her yoohoo.That will help but its not going to completely take away pain, not to be rude but shes got to get over it,after the first few times it will be easier and feel amazing just reassure her of that! Dont feel bad if she tears up a little, alot of girls do on there first time,but if you dont keep trying youl never get it sex=no fun lol.So keep on trying,just be gentle and slow.How to help my girlfriend with first time sex?
    tell her this isnt a rape in then rip her close off and **** her until she dies

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    Start with your fingers. Index finger then two fingers until its loosened enough for your penis.

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    same problem bro, use lots and lots and lots of lube
    how i can sex with my girlfriend
    Hey, its also possible that something is trying to stop u frm this sin. afterall its not a very good thing. think u fool!
    Push at once with force.

    How to tell my girlfriend to shave and wash more her private parts more ?

    I have this problem - my girlfriend doesnt shave her butthole and her vagina, it doesn't really smell but it's not flowers either. My ex used to wash every time before we had sex and her butthole had no hair, and im not enjoying this change.

    How should I tell her and not offend her ?How to tell my girlfriend to shave and wash more her private parts more ?
    Did you ever think that maybe she thinks you have offenses that bother her. Have some class when you do talk to her. What is the shaving bit about?? Did you ever think that maybe it is there for a reason? P.S. Get over your ex she not there with you anymore.How to tell my girlfriend to shave and wash more her private parts more ?
    Ahh, one of the trickiest things for a guy to ask a girl for.

    Here's the idea:

    Put it in the perspective so that she get what she wants from it

    'you'll have more fun, enjoyable sex'

    or just say

    'I love a smooth pussy''

    It works very well.

    Use something along the lines of these examples and you're good to go!
    I don't um i guess make-out with her a little then take it to the shower so then you will be kissing her in the shower or bath tub and she will also be washing . the take turns shaving each other then you want have to tell her anything good luck :~)
    That is probably the weirdest thing ever

    But I guess you could be like

    ';Uhm, could you do this for me because I really don't like it';

    Just don't be like

    ';Listen *****, you are disgusting!';
    Try taking a shower with her and you guys take turns washing each others private parts then you will shave her and make sure you make a design down there!
    You can't flat out tell her without offending her. You can hint at it but just be subtle.
    Just tell her strait up be like babe could you keep less hair down there so your vagina will be more to our liking. Ask if she knows how to shave.
    You can't tell her without offending her.
    I had a girlfriend once who smelt like a bait box.

    Mind you, I'm a fisherman.

    How to find a girlfriend in the internet?

    I want a girlfriend really need one. I'm desperate to have a girlfriend please help me to have a girlfriend. Im 21 yrs old 5'9f eet average build handsome lookalike Brad Pitt. Please be my girlfriend any girl out there please im begging you all.How to find a girlfriend in the internet?
    try a dating siteHow to find a girlfriend in the internet?
    That's your problem. Begging for a girlfriend and being desperate is a big turn off. A relationship takes time, patience and understanding from both people. If you can't even feel okay with yourself alone, how in the world could you share your life with someone? Be okay with yourself and be confident with who you are before looking to share your life with someone.
    go to

    select category



    sub cat

    big boobs

    small boobs

    then click download

    and there you go u have a girlfriend

    please note that the download is only trialware u will need to purchase and register a registration code as the following features wont work under trial mode

    1. Cook

    2. Clean

    3. Sex

    Under the trial mode these features are enabled

    1 Nag

    2. winge about everything

    3. eat and stack on the kilos

    4. Watch oprah and eat cake.

    5. drain your wallett

    Please note that after the 30 day trial period expires if you do not enter the code

    the feature

    weight gain will take affect and stack on 30kg per week and take 3 years to lose once registered.
    Is this joke?Come on sweet heart, if you're as good looking as Brad Pitt like you said, I am sure girls should be flocking around you 24/7, 365.

    I guess you just feel like being in love, but don't be so desperate as to ask for someone to your gf on the net. Someone will come, when the time is right. You just have to wait and stop hanging around the computer and go out and meet girls.

    Good Luck!Desperado...Haha
    i guess you're not talking serious

    first of all... even if loneliness is hard to handle.. no one will stop for a guy who is looking for a gf via yahoo answer, and if someone does then that person is kind of not thinking it serious

    secondly.. having an online reltion won't make you reach your 'dream', meaning won't give you what you need, it is something virtual, you don't even know if the person you might fall in love with is the person you think in real too

    distance often kills the relationships..and looking after a gf is not equal with some words

    so try to look after a gf in real life, will give you more then a so called e-love does

    good luck
    i guess you're not talking serious

    first of all... even if loneliness is hard to handle.. no one will stop for a guy who is looking for a gf via yahoo answer, and if someone does then that person is kind of not thinking it serious

    secondly.. having an online reltion won't make you reach your 'dream', meaning won't give you what you need, it is something virtual, you don't even know if the person you might fall in love with is the person you think in real too

    distance often kills the relationships..and looking after a gf is not equal with some words

    so try to look after a gf in real life, will give you more then a so called e-love does

    good luck
    Oh my lorrddyyy lord!

    Dude, Stop wasting time on the internet for people who wont love you and get yourself out there! Go to clubs and bars and just mingle with a lot of different girls. You'll be sure to find someone you like and more often than not they will feel the same way about you

    Dont resign yourself to a life of cyber-sex!!!!!!
    You can buy women from Russia for pretty cheap these days. You can even make them your wife. But you have to marry her ASAP because after 90 days it will be very difficult for her to get residency in your Country.

    I'd be your girlfriend but I'm a man, so you know - It just wont work.

    Good luck!
    Brad Pitt has deformed...everything. So that's not really a good person to compare yourself to. Luckily, I has answer! Step One: Get a knife. Step Two: Remember, vertical not horizontal! Step 3: Write 'I'm a desperate man' in your own blood. And you're done! You're welcome.

    i think its a joke lawl.


    don't be desperate...

    when its the right time it will come to you...

    pls answer;…
    ok I feel sorry for you and only because i get that feeling a lot too. love will come on its time.

    ps: if u were a brad pitt lookalike then u wouldnt be alone right? xx
    Bisexual baaabee
    Mmm, just be normal. That desperation is sooo unattractive
    ok, i will be your girlfriend.. :)
    Uh that's definitely not attractive! Desperation is a HUGE turn off so man up and maybe you will find someone.
    your begging for a girlfirend you must be really desperate...get a life
    If you are begging for a girlfriend, you don't look like Brad Pitt.
    I would have said yes but I'm more into the Danny Devito type...soz.
    go to

    gud luck
    i seriously just laughed out loud... haha im sorry dude... but thats pathetic

    How to kiss your girlfriend for the first time?

    So um I am planning on kissing my girlfriend for the first time tomorrow or sometime soon. This would be my first kiss too. So, any tips or advice? I know about closing your eyes, tilting your head, and having good breath, but is there anything else I should know? Thanks!How to kiss your girlfriend for the first time?
    Hold her close to you and lean in slowly, dont make it a quick peck but part your lips and move your lips with hers when you kiss. if you want you can kiss her cheek or neck too. It feels so good when my bf kisses my neck, it drives me crazy. you can part her lips some using yours and you can add some tongue to the kiss. dont lick, but just jently move your tongue in her mouth. dont shove it into her mouth, but gently move it. Kissing will come natural to you. She may be nervous because its her first kiss, but it will make it way better for her if you are confident and know what your doing. good luck, have fun!How to kiss your girlfriend for the first time?
    make up a sexy, sensual atmosphere....very very sensual, then kiss her in the wildest way you can....

    just press your lips against her and hold them long.....

    also grab her creates more of that atmosphere....

    How long after my girlfriend gets contraceptive implant can we start to have sex?

    My girlfriend is due to have a contraceptive implant next week and im just wondering, do we have to wait a certain amount of days? hours? mins? b4 we can have sex.

    thanksHow long after my girlfriend gets contraceptive implant can we start to have sex?
    if the implant is inserted while your girlfriend is having a period it will be effective straight away, if not you need to use condoms for at least a weekHow long after my girlfriend gets contraceptive implant can we start to have sex?
    straight away it wont stop ability to do it, but she may get pregnant.

    seriously 1 week unless its a continuation.
    as soon as you like maybe just use a condom while it gets settled.
    ask the doctor :)
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  • How can i convince my girlfriend to have weight loss surgery without hurting her feelings?

    My girlfriend is overweight and i can tell she's very insecure about her body.I want to try and convince her to get weight loss surgery but i don't want to seem mean or that i only care about her weight.I am not attracted to skinny size 2 type girls but i am attracted to girls with curves kinda like Jordin Sparks size.How do i talk to my girlfriend about getting weight loss surgery or just losing weight the old fashion way without making her feel bad?How can i convince my girlfriend to have weight loss surgery without hurting her feelings?
    you can start going to the gym and ask her to join it with you after awile.

    that way you guys can both be doing it. and she wont feel like your sending her to the gymHow can i convince my girlfriend to have weight loss surgery without hurting her feelings?
    You can't. If she's already insecure about her body, you adding to it by telling her YOU want her to lose weight will be devastating. Choose dates that are active--hiking, rollerblading, taking walks together. Make healthy choices when you're choosing a place to eat with her, and eat healthy yourself. Don't expect her to have a salad while you're chowing down on a cheeseburger. Make healthy choices a part of your life together, and if she really does need to do something as drastic as weight loss surgery, let that be between her and her doctor.
    just get her to work out with friend Always tell me that i am to small for him. and it hurts me so bad. he wants me to gain. but i have always been a small person.i have been eating. but i can't gain. .it make me feel that he dose not love me anymore.and that he want someone other than me.well i am small but i have nice curves.i can also name a lots of things that don't make him hot. but i don't care because i love him. anyway good luck.
    I would wait for her, if she does, to perhaps complain about her weight and all that. Then take the opportunity to talk her into exercising with you and help her on her way about feeling better about herself. That will sound a lot more caring than ';Why don't you go get that taken care of by a surgeon?';
    I would not advise her to get the surgery unless she is morbidly obese.There are a lot of things that can go wrong with that kind of surgery,life threatening things.Be straight forward with her and show her some facts about how being overweight can lead to other health problems and shorten her lifespan.If she isnt trying to hear that or listen to you you might have to make it clear that you need a person in your life that cares more about their health...
    I personally think that it is dangerous to go for surgery. You might want to communicate with your girlfriend so that you will know her view on her own weight. It is not healthy to just assume things and it is better to clarify by communicating so that there will be no misunderstanding.
    if she likes her body so you should like it too ,,plus having a surgery is too dangerous because i know many people have died from this surgery so you should first know the risks then ask her to do it :(

    How to tell my girlfriend I feel uncomfortable around drunks?

    First off, I'm not trying to be controlling, tell her what she can or can't do or whatever..

    My girlfriend wants me to go to a Brazilian party with her and she plans on drinking. How do I tell her I'd rather not see her get smashed? I don't care if she drinks but it's just I don't want to have a drunk girlfriend on my hands when we're there. What do I tell her?How to tell my girlfriend I feel uncomfortable around drunks?
    just say that you dont feel comfortable being her baby sitter. and that it makes you uncomfortable when people get smashed around youHow to tell my girlfriend I feel uncomfortable around drunks?
    She will more than likely be OK, just coz you have a drink doesn't mean you are going to be smashed. If you think she might be getting smashed on the night get her a coke or lemonade and tell her there is a mixer in it, or be straight with her and tell her it might be better to have a soft drink instead.
    ';I don't want to go because I don't like watching people drinking themselves into oblivion'; would be a good way to put it

    And the fact she's going to be drinking automatically means she's going to get drunk?
    tell her nicely dat u wudnt wnt to c her smashed and why??
    Just tell her what u just wrote.. the truth :)

    The girlfriend of casual acquaintance of mine makes him sit down on the toilet to urinate. Is this common?

    He admitted it to a group of us, and said he'd be denied sexual activity by the girlfriend if he didn't sit down to use the toilet - instead of managing the toilet seat properly, etc. This applied even in his own apartment.

    They've since broken up, but it had nothing to do with this. How common is this?The girlfriend of casual acquaintance of mine makes him sit down on the toilet to urinate. Is this common?
    Fail.The girlfriend of casual acquaintance of mine makes him sit down on the toilet to urinate. Is this common?
    i would think the fault lies with the guy. Maybe his aim wasn't good when he is urinating and he didnt see the need to lift up the toilet seat up before urinating.

    Imagine a girl trying to urinate with urines all over the toilet seat.

    But if it is because the girl demands the guy to urinate via sit down method without any reasons whatsoever, yes, the girl is a wacko.
    I have heard lots of women complain about the toilet seat (which is illogical), but to force a guy to sit to pee (unless his aim was peeing on the floor all the time and not cleaning it up, in which case he should have known to sit down) is very weird.

    Sure lots of guys sit to pee, but to be forced into it, and worse, to listen, is bizarre.
    I would never think this to be common. First off what a ***** for taking away the guys manhood and denying him the right to piss upright. Secondly, the guy needs to grow a pair because his are locked away in a jar beside the girls bed.
    *****. No man should EVER have to do this!

    And I say that as a woman.

    Fat caliper - crazy fat tracking hapening.?


    Today when I woke up I've measured myself and I had 9.5 mm . Triple checked it and the 3 times it gave 9.5 mm . I had breakfast , pre workout meal , post workout meal and lunch . Then I was showing my girlfriend how it's done and my measure was 10.5 mm is this normal? I mean 1mm variation in about 8 hours . it usually takes a week of bad eating habits for me to get more 1 mm of fat and today in about 8 hours it changes this much . strange isnt it?Fat caliper - crazy fat tracking hapening.?
    Why are you stressing over 1mm? Of course it's normal for fluctuations throughout the day.

    How can my girlfriend get a green card or extension on her work visa?

    How can my girlfriend get a green card or extension on her work visa?

    My girlfriends visa is up in two months. We plan on getting married. If we do can her visa be extended or perhaps can she get a green card? She is from Colombia. I don't know what to do or where to go to obtain this info. I don't want to lose her it takes to much $$$ for her to return to the US.How can my girlfriend get a green card or extension on her work visa?
    Marry her now while she is in a valid status.How can my girlfriend get a green card or extension on her work visa?
    she will not get a green card, but your work visa might be extended
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  • How to steal a girlfriend from a idiot?

    How to steal a girlfriend from a idiot?

    How to steal a girlfriend from a idiot?

    How to steal a girlfriend from a idiot?

    How to steal a girlfriend from a idiot?

    How to steal a girlfriend from a idiot?

    How to steal a girlfriend from a idiot?

    How to steal a girlfriend from a idiot?How to steal a girlfriend from a idiot?
    If the girl is with a idiot i think it would be easy to steal the girl.You just have to be confidence and normal don't try to impress her or other things she has to like you not another person inside you if you know what i meanHow to steal a girlfriend from a idiot?
    go to a party with her get her drunk and **** her like crazy and she wil be impressed she'll dumb him

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    How should I tell my parents about my boyfriend?

    I'm not allowed to have a boyfriend. I'm 14 years old and mature for my age. I'm also really smart, so I wouldn't do anything stupid with him. He is my first boyfriend, I am his first girlfriend. My parents never said I couldn't have a boyfriend, but never said I could either. We've been together for almost a week now. I really don't like the feeling of sneaking around, so any suggestions on how to tell at least my mom??? thanks =]How should I tell my parents about my boyfriend?
    You know your Mom better then we do. How made do you think she well be. From what i remember at your age relationships for the most part do not last very long. If there is not going to be a alone time with him you can wait to tell them. No alone time at 14. At 14 it is best to be with many friends. That you pick because they are like you Mature for your age. I hope you meant in wisdom. Good luck.

    Be Brutally Honest when Answering Questions and evaluating my situation Thank You?

    I have been talking this guy I met a local nightclub. He told me he liked black girls. We exchanged phone numbers and have been talking ever since. He visits my apartment frequently and we talk almost every day or at least once a week. I consider a good friend. I told him I liked him. He said he had feelings for me too. My friend discovered he had a girlfriend. We still talked on the phone and he still visited my place as usual. That day, he told me he was on break with girl and we ended up hooking up.

    These are the questions I want answered ---

    Why does he see me so often and talk me so much if he has a girlfriend?

    He is really sweet with me, he buys me food and stuff, why does he does do this for me if he's in a relationship? Shouldn't he be doing this for his girlfriend?

    How does he view me as? Can we honestly be just friends and nothing more?

    If he supposedly likes me, why doesn't he just dump his girlfriend to be with me?

    We have known each other since I believe December or so.

    I have only hooked up with him twice which was recently.Be Brutally Honest when Answering Questions and evaluating my situation Thank You?
    You're feelings for him are colored by your emotions because he took time to talk to you. This is called social cultivation. It is a means to an end.This individual has basically lied to you (and his girlfriend probably) and has been unfaithful to his girlfriend. Are you prepared for the same thing to happen to you in the future when he is tired of you? Be classy and drop him. You can do better.Be Brutally Honest when Answering Questions and evaluating my situation Thank You?
    What does taking a break mean to you? Well to me and the general population it usually specify s that they are NO LONGER together, thus meaning he is single.
    He just wants to get laid. He's a player. Forget about him. He sounds like a dick.
    he's playing you. Even if he did leave her, he would leave you too. A dog and his bone... If you want a solid good relationship, stay away from guys with girlfriends.
    You say why does he not do this with his girlfriend, well I think you dont know what he does with his grilfriend. And you dont know how long he has been with his girlfriend and how much he loves her. I think he is playing you for a fool. Im only saying because of what you have wrote. Have you met anyone of his friends? Have you guys gone out in public, on dates? There seems to be alot to this relationship going on that, like he seems he is hidding alot from you. Maybe im wrong, but you wont know until you ask him those questions yourself. Just watch out for yourself if you really like him, you might get your feelings hurt.
    he likes you and his girlfriend, and he wants both. if you're okay with that, then it's all good. if you're looking for someone who wants to just have something special with one person, then there's probably a better guy out there for you.

    don't take my word for it, though. you'd be better off asking him.
    sorry sister. if he cheats on his gf with you, he is not a cool guy. if you get with him, he will probably do the same thing to you.