Wednesday, August 18, 2010

What would be a romantic way to tell a guy you do want to be his girlfriend? (Guys answer too)?

My best guy friend has liked me for somewhat of a long time.

I think I am starting to like him. I never thought I would though before.

We used to hold hands and cuddle together. But whe never kissed.

I think I want to tell him I want to be his girlfriend. Even though I am not completely sure.

What would be a nice romantic way to say it? Where? How?

His birthday is this friday, April 30th. Maybe that day could be special.

Please help %26amp; thanks.What would be a romantic way to tell a guy you do want to be his girlfriend? (Guys answer too)?
I think you can tell him in any way you want, any day.

he already likes you, so what are you waiting for?

how to say it will naturally come to you,

hope this helpss.What would be a romantic way to tell a guy you do want to be his girlfriend? (Guys answer too)?
Look him in the eyes on his birthday then kiss him but do it slowly then it all should come naturally. Good luck :)
I think you can tell him doing his birthday but first take him to a quiet place then tell him u like him and since u guys have know each other for long and u feel tat since u guys know each other tat we should go out together. But if he says he likes someone else or he dosent want to go out dont push it to hard just say u understand but we can still be great friends.
This is what happened to me one time when I was in junior high.

Her name was Marie, and she was really REALLY shy. One day, I was coming up the stairs on my way to a class (I was late), and she opened the door just as I stepped onto the landing. We stood there for a moment just looking into each others eyes, and then, before I could even blink, she grabbed me and kissed my cheek, then ran down the stairs!

She avoided me the rest of the day, but when I finally was able to corner her and ask her if she really liked me, she said, and I'll never forget this, ';yes, I'll be your girlfriend...if you want me.';

It is one of my all time fondest memories, and we were a couple until I had to move and change schools.

I don't know if a kiss and telling him you are his if he wants you will work for you, but it made me feel like the most important person on the planet! I felt so special!

Hope my story helps :-)
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