Friday, August 20, 2010

Can my girlfriend video tape her managers actions? Is it legal to bring a small video camera to work?

My girlfriend works at Sears. The general manager of the store cusses out employees, threatens employees, lies to employees, and even sometimes cusses out customers she doesn't like.

How can I stop this?Can my girlfriend video tape her managers actions? Is it legal to bring a small video camera to work?
Since the building would be private property, I'm sure there are restrictions with using cameras or camcorders. In retail stores I've worked in, using cameras was strictly prohibited. If not on private property, you can legally video anyone anytime. I know that HR is not necessarily your friend, but you may want to start with some anonymous letters written to him/her.Can my girlfriend video tape her managers actions? Is it legal to bring a small video camera to work?
That G.M. is not professional, and is creating a hostile environment. Being a ';supervisor'; does not give her license to treat employees less than she'd treat herself-and that includes cursing at,threatening/lying to them.

I'm not a lawyer, so I won't comment on whether or not video taping's legal/illegal, but I'd document my supervisor's interactions to employees: date, place, time, what was said and manner. Same thing goes for documenting her interactions with customers. Cursing at customers should not be tolerated.

Customers pay employee's salaries, and are entitled to good service. If it weren't for them, and if customers don't shop there, Sears would shut down. That supervisor needs to understand that; also customers have the right to file a complaint.

Send copies of documentation to HR (or whoever is next in charge).
don't listen to these folks. they are probably right, but what i'd do is secretly video tape it and post it on youtube, nothing toxic, liveleak, things like that. The evidence wouldn't hold up in court but you don't care nothing about going to court, just hope the bossman see's millions watching him on the tube! let me know when you post up bro
I think it would be illegal to tape somebody. The thing you ought to do is write a letter to Sears corporate office, and be sure to follow up on it.
She can also use her cell phone if it has a camcorder on it. this person she be caught.
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